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I am Jacob’s uncle and I have fond memories of Jacob’s life, especially of a ski trip we took together. I have just left the RAF after 19 years of service and I am one of the founding trustees.


I wrote the Constitution and Business Plan and also submitted the charity application. The team articulated the 4 main objectives and set our vision, aims and values.


After Jacob’s suicide, it occurred to me that I had lost many young male friends through suicide and that many of my military colleagues were suffering in silence.


Mental health and suicide issues are not being tackled and people are choosing to end their lives rather than confide in others; the ignorance, stigma and the lack of support for suiciding people is shameful and this charity will make a difference.

Gadwech ini wybod os hoffech dderbyn unrhyw wybodaeth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg


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Contact Us

Jacob Abraham Foundation

Unit 1, Block A, 

Regents Court, 

Nettleford Road, 

Ocean Park, 


CF24 5JQ


Tel: 029 22404736

Mobile: 07838 172082

The Foundation is closed Saturdays and Sundays

Connect with us


Registered Charity Number : 1170063

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